
The mission of the Simis Dads Club is to increase fathers’ involvement in the Simis Community through fundraising, supporting activities and philanthropy.


Fundraising - Simis Dads Club focuses on supporting the fundraising efforts of Simis PATS and additionally executes our own fundraising campaigns for Simis PATS.


Supporting Activities - Simis Dads Club serves as an organized support resource for Simis PATS and all other Simis organizations.


Philanthropy - Simis Dads Club organizes philanthropic activities in our community allowing dads and our kids to work together in community service.


Interested being a part of our Dad's Club?

Email our Dad's Club Committee Chairs, Jared Klemp & Casey Treadwell at DADsClub@simispats.org



Visit us at our Facebook page: facebook.com/SimisDadsClub